The application 的最后期限 for the 2024–2025 academic year has now passed. For more information and to attend our spring 招生 events, please complete an 调查形式 在这里.


请继续关注365体育足彩2024年春季活动的列表. 要表达您对这些产品的兴趣,请填写365体育足彩的查询表格 在这里.

For spring 2024 tours of Fieldston Middle, please see below for dates and register for a tour 在这里.

  • 星期四5/9, 11:10am-12:30pm
  • 星期四5/16, 11:10am-12:30pm
  • 周二5/21, 1:00pm-2:30pm

感谢您对菲尔德斯顿伦理文化学校的兴趣! We are excited to begin this journey with you as a prospective family, and look forward to sharing what makes ECFS such a special school and community.

365体育足彩把每个申请人都安排好, 从学前班到11年级, 这是365体育足彩录取过程的核心, which informs all of the careful considerations we make when meeting and getting to know our prospective students and families. The Fieldston Middle and Upper 招生 team is deeply committed to embodying the values of our School and providing the highest level of care in supporting you through the process and ensuring the experience is a meaningful one for you and your child, 你应该选择申请吗.

应用步骤:Fieldston Middle

六年级-入学点: Our cohort of students grows into the 6th Grade to a total enrollment of around 130 students. We anticipate 20–25 openings for new students to join the community at this entry point.

七年级和八年级——减员制; 365体育足彩欢迎七年级和八年级的申请, which are considered based on the number of open seats we have due to attrition.

  • 提交365体育足彩的 调查形式 to be placed on our mailing list for updates about our application process.
  • Attend an online or in-person event for prospective students and families.
    •  Fieldston Middle在线信息发布会: 星期四10/5 从4:30-5:30pm
    • 菲尔德斯顿中期发现日: 周日10/15,预约
  • 浏览365体育足彩的网页

Step 2: Submit an application — DEADLINE WEDNESDAY 11/15/2023 AT NOON
  • 创建帐户 在365体育足彩的在线申请系统中.
  • 完成并提交365体育足彩的在线申请 周三11/15 的最后期限.
    • Our application form captures the applicant’s educational background as well as parent/guardian and household information.
    • We ask for two parent/guardian statements in response to the following prompts:
      • Please describe your child’s personality and interests including your observations of their strengths and areas for growth.
      • Please describe the educational environment and experience you envision for your child.
  • 365体育足彩不要求学生论文作为365体育足彩申请的一部分.
  • 365体育足彩的申请费,在网上支付,是75美元. We are happy to provide a fee waiver to qualifying families who request one by contacting us at (电子邮件保护).
  • If you’d like to be considered for need-based financial aid, submit an application by 周五12/15. More information about our financial aid program, and how to apply, can be found 在这里.

  • Use your parent portal checklist 在365体育足彩的在线申请系统中 to request and upload the required documents. 对于菲尔德斯顿中学的申请者,365体育足彩要求:
    • 学校成绩单, 由委托人完成, 部门主管, 辅导员, 或者申请人当前学校的院长.
    • A teacher evaluation from the applicant’s current 5th Grade teacher (applicants to 7th and 8th Grade are required to submit a teacher evaluation from both a current English and math teacher, 见下文).
    • ISEE/SSAT scores OR a graded/evaluated analytical writing sample (you can read more about our test-optional policy 在这里).
    • Official transcripts/report cards showing all semester and final grades for the previous academic year. 
  • 参加你的在线面试对话.
    • 一旦365体育足彩收到并处理了您提交的申请表格, 365体育足彩将通过电子邮件通知您面试的时间.
    • The interview conversation will be conducted by a member of the admissions team or faculty via Google Meet and will last approximately 45 minutes.
    • More information about your interview conversation will be included in your appointment email.
  • 安排一次校园游览.
    • We look forward to welcoming you to our campus in person and having you experience our community in action!
    • Use your parent portal checklist to self-schedule a date and time that is most convenient for your family.
  • 注册365体育足彩为申请学生和家庭提供的课程.
    • 365体育足彩很自豪能提供广泛的在线服务, student-centered 项目 to help you and your child understand all that Fieldston Middle has to offer.
    • Use your parent portal checklist to self-schedule your child or yourself to attend as many of these offerings as you’d like.

步骤4:公布六年级录取决定- 2024年2月13日星期二
  • All parents/guardians included on the application will receive an admissions decision via email after 4:00pm on the date indicated above.
  • Admitted students and families will be invited to attend additional 项目 and revisit opportunities.
  • 被录取的六年级家庭直到 周一3/4/2024 在下午12点做出入学决定.


兄弟姐妹、校友和教职员工申请人 are given special consideration during the admissions process. 365体育足彩努力让家庭在ECFS团聚. 然而, 因为365体育足彩收到了大量的申请, 入学不是自动的,也不是保证的. All applicants (regardless of prior family connection to the School) are evaluated according to the same criteria, and all admission decisions consider the best interest of each individual child. 兄弟姐妹的数量如此之多,真是太奇妙了, 校友, 以及申请ECFS的教职员工家庭继续增加. 虽然365体育足彩重视ECFS的兄弟姐妹社区, 校友, 和老师/员工, we are also committed to providing access to new families whose values and goals reflect the School’s mission. We ask that our sibling, 校友, 和老师/员工 applicants submit their applications by 周一算.